Hey ciatches! Any of you over the mega selfies on prescriptives? I am. Want to hear something catty? Wannabes using images of us on their social media. Sven purrates them as
desperate. They wouldn't be using our images, ideas, or style if they had their own.
Meowza, Kille! I'm so self absorbed that I'm always purring for admiration, but even I purrate that other wannabes using images of meowself and Kille without our purrmission and for the benefit of someone else's social media is desperate and a violation to our privacy. My secret married lover finds it catty and absolutely clawable. Good thing she lives far, far away!
Here's a catty example of the ciatches on prescriptives that have too much time to be purring over themselves and pouting to their iPhone for the purrfect parted lips cat pout. We feel sorry for them -- why don't they find a new hobby?
Teenage cat who is past the iPhone and into photocopying her body parts to share on Instagram, Facebook. Meowza... hardcore self absorption right here.
Mature cat over 40: she's in her doctor's office begging him to up her prescription as she is addicted and needs to stay slim and high -- but, in order for him to increase the purrscripts and believe it's for mental instability, she purrposes the extreme: a full frontal crotch shot! That may work for the ciatches under 30, but not for those over 40.